
Amazon robotics applied scientist OA (2024-3-31)

  1. First run: (1 hour)
    Q1: https://github.com/AlexWUrobot/leetcode_python/blob/main/find_first_unique.py
    Q2: https://github.com/AlexWUrobot/leetcode_python/blob/main/Get_Distinct_Pairs.py
  2. Second run (1 hour)
    (30min) Introduce your research (double link LIPM) with system design “How to design warehouse and any trade-off, how to let robot put products in shelves", ref: video
    (30min) live code interview: Robot in a Grid, Solution (Depth-First Search) DFS

JP Morgan Chase Hirevue OA (2023-4-5)

  1. Avocado Price (min, max, mean, std)
  2. Compare Numbers
  3. Power of Two. check 1point3acres for more.
  4. Describe your role in a successful teamwork.
    Ref: 一畝三分地 https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-803306-1-1.html

TikTok OA

  1. 面試軟體不能使用print 但是可以用return 來debug
  2. LinkedList vs ArrayList Performance (When get i -th element )
    ArrayList 是基于动态数组数据结构的实现,访问元素速度优于 LinkedList。
    LinkedList 是基于链表数据结构的实现,占用的内存空间比较大,但在批量插入或删除数据时优于 ArrayList。
    对于快速访问对象的需求,使用 ArrayList 实现执行效率上会比较好。
  3. explain the array result after pop, push
  4. Eating candy
    https://youtu.be/Z0rzIdhGsDw (Python)
    https://youtu.be/W-Dtqtq-3cg (C++)
  5. Exchange Cups
  6. Count minimum time to finish the given tasks


    Python 的sorted 和 sort 不一樣,
    sorted 會創造一個新的list,所以速度是logn
    sort() 會用原本的list,所以速度是nlogn
    newlist = sorted(list)

AMD phone interview

  1. Talk about FSI sCMOS and BSI sCMOS
  2. Stanford Image Process pipeline (ISP = image signal processing)
  3. Image Processing Pipeline(ISP
  4. Color filter array (CFA) Color filter mosaic (CFM)
  5. CCD is too old, now we all use CMOS
  6. Android Camera Hardware Architecture explained

Tesla interview (May. 2th, 2023)

  1. Torque problem
  2. How to solve the blacklash
    • Sol 1: Use harmonic gear [video]
    • Sol 2: Use two gear design with a spring. [video]
    • The most simple example is the tuning dial of an analog radio, which can be rotated back and forth to precisely adjust to the appropriate frequency. Special gears can achieve this purpose. The most common way is to divide the gear into two gears with the same diameter as the original, but the thickness of each gear is half of the original. , two gears are installed on the same shaft, one gear is fixed on the shaft (fixed gear), the other gear (movable gear) allows relative rotation with the shaft, but is connected with the fixed gear by a spring, and the shaft rotates force will be applied. During the process of passing through the backlash, the active gear will be driven to rotate by the tension of the spring, the teeth of the fixed gear will contact one side of the pinion teeth, and the teeth of the movable gear will contact the other side of the pinion teeth. If the load is less than the spring force, the spring will not be compressed and no gap will be created, thus eliminating backlash.

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